The solution for the food industry

HT 4-FOOD is the innovative solution that H.T. High Technology designed for the industrial world and especially for the Food sector. Based on SAP S/4HANA platform, HT 4-FOOD is designed to simultaneously integrate and manage transactional and analytical systems, thus offering an advanced management platform for real-time data processing.
Which key processes are supported by HT 4-FOOD?
Planning the procurement of raw materials for production Effective control of production cost trends between budget and final balance Efficient management of warehouse batches on product expiry dates Tracking of all products and raw materials from entry to sale to the end customer Thanks to the CANVAS function, management of sales contracts by correlating them with the automatic calculation of premiums for sales representatives and customers based on the volume of transactions

Discover a solution that maximises the performance of food companies!

SAP GOLD trasparente

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